domingo, 12 de abril de 2015


Do you want to sing a song and learn the days of the week? Click play to watch the video. Come on, let's sing together!

Now search the days of the week in this crossword. 

Are you finished? Let's see the answers!

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Laura,
    I love your blog, the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar it’s a wonderful topic to work with children. The appearance of your blog is very nice and you use fantastic images because they are very attractive and colourful.
    I like the structure of your activity, it goes step by step and starts with a motivating text for attract the attention of the children. You have chosen an useful video because works different skills: children can learn the names days of the week and how write them. In addition, use “word search” is a great idea; because the children need to think how spell each word for play the game.

    Congratulations on your blog. :-)
