sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

Hello everyone! I would like to show you the aim of my blog. This blog is intended to students who are 4 years old. The Caterpillar is going to be a friend and he will help students throughout all activities. The aim of this blog is to work on the story and its different topics such as food, numbers and days of the week to enhance the four basic skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking through. 

I hope you enjoyed my blog and you find useful materials for your lessons. 

Kind regards, 


1 comentario:

  1. Hi Laura!
    I have to admit that this is my favorite blog. I don’t mean I don’t like the others but I love this one specially. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a great element to work in pre-school class, kids love it.
    It’s a very well designed blog for 4 years old students; all the activities are so appropriated for that age and help children to work and learn different skills.
    The activities are clear and so graphic; you used a nice strategy for young learners. They are so complete, you can find variety and it’s so important for children sites.
    The appearance of the blog is good too, full of color and well organized.
    Definitively a great work! Congrats!
